Europe is a promising market for kratom. Unlike the United States, where kratom has already become relatively popular in the last fifteen years, the old continent is still going slow with the plant, either because it has not suffered an epidemic of legal opioids as serious as the one on the other side of the ocean, because no legal associations have been formed in its defense such as the American Kratom Association, because the strategies to publicize its benefits have not yet reached the public that could benefit from its properties, because of the fact that many of its countries have made it illegal without serious studies, or even because in Europe there is not a popular social network that works like Reddit, which is a real meeting and discussion point among American kratom consumers, with almost 120.000 members in its page dedicated to the plant.
Native to Southeast Asia, where it has been used as a traditional medicine for many centuries, kratom was catalogued by a Westerner in the mid-19th century, went virtually unnoticed during the 20th century despite the discovery of its use as a harm reduction tool among opiate users, and finally, at the beginning of the 21st century, Americans also began to benefit from its analgesic, antidepressant and tranquilizing properties, making it popular precisely because it is a natural substitute for various drugs with harmful side effects for the human body.
“It is a consensus among kratom users that online stores offer better quality and better priced products, and this is because many of them are dedicated exclusively to the sale of kratom.”
In Germany, the government held the discussion whether kratom should be included in the Narcotic Drugs Act (BtMG) or undergo special controls under the Medicines Act (AMG) in the mid 2010s, and the decision was in favor of kratom, since it was labeled as for non-human use. In other countries, such as Denmark and Norway, kratom can be prescribed by a licensed doctor under certain circumstances. In summary, kratom is 100% legal in these European countries (as of July 2021): Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Malta, Montenegro, Netherlands, Serbia, Slovakia, Spain, and Ukraine.
The rest of the European countries mention kratom and/or some of its alkaloids in the lists of controlled substances and should be analyzed individually so that one takes into account what is mentioned in the current legislation of each country.
As for the availability of kratom on the European continent, most suppliers have online stores. Although there are some physical stores that sell kratom in countries such as Germany, Spain, Netherlands and Czech Republic, it is a consensus among kratom users that online stores offer better quality and better priced products, and this is because many of them are dedicated exclusively to the sale of kratom, and therefore, control the quality and origin of the product, as they usually have regular buyers who develop a bond of trust. Nectar Leaf, for example, sells only lab-tested products to ensure that our kratom does not contain toxins or heavy metals, as well as guaranteeing that all products offered have the expected amounts of Mitragyna speciosa‘s natural alkaloids.
In December 2021 Kratom was prohibed in Slovakia, now it’s illegal there.
Shipments are allowed when sent from an European Union member state where kratom is legal, regulated by the EU customs union in the Lisbon Treaty.
What specific part of the Lisbon Treaty should I refer to when questioned by the customs?
If you are a seller or consumer in a country where it is banned the lisbon treaty is absolute useless and you will get punished. If at all vendors outside of countries where it is banned can profit from it and even there the countries they are sending to could “play” with them if they one day enter the country and so on.
This treaty is an argument from vendors not respecting the laws of certain countries, which is neither good nor bad, its the vendors risk and we should not really care, but the customers must not get (wrong) answers from vendors regarding legality and punishment in their countries, nor should consumers/customers ask the company they think about buying from for answers to legal questions… For people in need of kratom in these countries it is absolutely great that some send to their country, although they still can get criminalized for ordering/possessing. Someone really in need of kratom most likely gives a fuck on that and simply is glad to have it.
We need full regulation instead of the tricks. If you asked as a consumer and you really “need”/need it, try to find a doctor prescribing it (not to get it from a pharmacy or on insurance…yet), at least something written that you need it, can and probably will help in case they catch you but not easy to find a doctor and I am not sure how the laws are on that in the different countries. Try it.
Although, within the EU most likely you have to have bad luck or other problems with police for them to catch it…
a human
What about Portugal?
It’s already legal
In Europe in which countries kratom is legal
Kindly enlist
Hi, you can check this
If you’re just traveling through France by train with your personal use quantity (20 capsules), would you have legal problems if you were searched?
The kratom ban in Sweden devastated me. We should have the right to make informed decisions about our health, especially when alternative remedies like kratom have been a godsend for so many
Now Czech Republic is added as a legal country!